If you THINK you’re paying too much for Anthem Blue Cross Employee Benefits or Group Benefits, you probably ARE! Brauer Insurance helps companies strategize their Blue Cross insurance for their employees so they not only save money, BUT have better benefits in most cases. If your broker helps you review your Blue Cross Group plan every quarter, provides you with a progressive strategy that they can show you on paper, and has a bunch of free added value services…..keep them!! If not, call US!
Brauer Insurance provides Group Benefits for hundreds of companies and helps them save a lot of money in the process. We can show you many testimonials and strategies that local companies have implemented and been wildly successful! Our strategy is not magic or some sort of gimmick, its just something that we’ve developed to help companies tackle the high cost of Blue Cross Employee Group Plans. It’s a forward thinking, progressive way to slow or reverse the constant yearly increases that are handed out! I guarantee that you’ve never been shown this type of strategy…..either because your broker doesn’t do it, doesn’t understand it, or frankly is just plain lazy. We’ve built our business on showing CEOs, Controllers, CFOs, and business owners that there IS another way to do Employee Benefits.
Anthem Blue Cross insurance is NOT cheap…….and frankly, I cannot make it cheap. What I CAN do is to make it a bit more affordable AND help your company to slow down the increases with our strategy. It would take about 45 minutes or so to do a quick presentation, and then YOU figure out if it’s a good fit!
The biggest compliment was about 2 years ago when I was invited in to a company of about 100 employees to do a demonstration of our strategy for the CEO and CFO. I asked to have about an hour to do the Blue Cross presentation. About 15 minutes into it, the CEO looked bored out of his head, and the CFO was checking his phone. When I got to the “guts” of the presentation, I noticed the CEO actually sat up in his chair, had a “puzzled” look on his face and actually seemed like he was paying attention. The “light bulb” finally went on in his head. He began asking me some high level questions and actually got excited…..he should have. The strategy was about to save him about $35,000 a month in Employee Benefit costs….to the tune of $420,000 a year!! There is much more to it than I can go into in a blog, but you have a “flavor” for how much of a savings it can be.
Blue Cross Group Health Plans, Anthem Blue Cross Employee Benefits do NOT have to cost you a fortune!! They really don’t!
Steve Brauer-President, Brauer Insurance Services LLC…(408) 421-5555