ObamaCare Employer Mandate may be halted, ACA on the chopping block again

Currently employers with over 50 employees are mandated to provide Group Health Insurance coverage for their full timer workers.  If they don’t, the #ACA penalties can be very stiff, to the tune of $2000 to $3000 an employee per year.  #Employers not in compliance have been getting IRS 226-J letters, advising them of their misdeeds and what they owe to the #IRS.

Big scary #226J letters from the IRS are nothing to mess with

Whether you agree with the #EmployerMandate of the ACA or not, ObamaCare is the law of the land, currently.  The IRS 226J letters that have been going out are freaking out employers all over the country.  The letter is generated by the IRS when an employer is out of compliance with the ACA’s Employer Mandate, with their Employee Benefits offering to their employees.  Many times the employer simply filled out the yearly form incorrectly, and is easily fixed.  The employers that have ignored the Employer Mandate or are out of compliance, have a problem.  If the Employer Mandate is halted or taken away, these employers will have dodged a bullet.

The GOP is sponsoring a bill to halt and maybe do away with the Employer Mandate

The bill sponsored by GOP Reps. Devin Nunes (Calif.) and Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) would suspend penalties for the employer mandate for 2015 through 2019 and delay implementation of the tax on high-cost employer-sponsored health plans for another year, pushing it back to 2022.  This would be a big blow to all of the ACA supporters that had hoped that #ObamaCare would solve the nations healthcare issues, or at least address them.  I’m all in favor of helping businesses, which is the life blood of the nation, but if you get rid of the ACA, you had better have something in place to replace it….and not something that would bring us to our knees in cost.  Many people are screaming for #SinglePayer.  To them I say…is it better care, and what is the cost.  Usually when that question is posed, all you hear is crickets.


Steve Brauer-Principal, Brauer Insurance Services, www.brauerinsurance.com  (877) 421-4325

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